

SHOWS VIDEOS PHOTOS LISTINGS MAN V. MONSTER Premieres Friday June 28th at 9:00 pm, 8:00pm BKK/JKT Nat Geo Wild HOME ABOUT ABOUT THE SHOW Man V's Monster's new season continues following adventurer and cinematographer, Richard Terry, as he investigates legends and tackles the truths of some of the most feared and cryptic species that exist on Earth.   In each episode Richard will begin by investigating a terrible animal myth, travelling to the source of the story to get eye-witness accounts before setting off on a quest to encounter the creature fueling the tales. On this adventure Richard will enlist the help of a variety of scientists and expert fixers as he ventures into some of the planets most inhospitable and testing environments.  In his search for real mons

A MUST READ!!!!........

        Hello Readers, What you are about to see will burst your Brain. Please Visit this page via this link: Posted By: Junior David

SOUL COLLECTOR.....(A Story from a Witness)

Lt. Frank Marra, now retired, was one of the police officers tasked with sifting through the rubble of the World Trade Center towers in September 2001. It was only in 2013, while conducting interviews for a 9/11-related book called Hallowed Ground , that he remembered encountering something paranormal during his long hours of work at the site. One of the detectives who was also being interviewed mentioned hearing about a ghostly tale of an old Red Cross worker that appeared to some of the officers while they were working. The woman tried to serve them coffee and sandwiches, as was the Red Cross duty during World War II. Upon hearing the detective talk about this, Marra remembered seeing a black woman dressed in a Red Cross uniform appearing several times while he worked. She held a tray of sandwiches and disappeared every time he strained to get a better look at her. Several police officers who were also stationed at the site after the attacks claimed to have seen larg

Adorable demon doll terrorizes family

Possessed dolls seem to be all the rage over the last few years and this one is one hell of an example. The Nunez family from El Callao, Peru claim they have been terrorized by a doll named Sarita for the past seven years. A present from a family friend, the blue-eyed doll is said to be responsible for several paranormal activities. The family says they’ve been living a nightmare since receiving the doll. At first the experiences ranged from seeing lights and hearing weird sounds but eventually this grew much more violent. The children report that after hearing the doll move at night they wake up with scratches on their necks and bodies. After years of torture the family eventually asked a medium to come investigate the house and doll. The medium concluded that the doll was possessed by an evil spirit who wanted to do harm to the family. The doll and the house were eventually cleansed, hopefully driving away the evil spirit that felt so maliciously about this family. Unfor


Let’s face it, the internet was made for stories like that of the black-eyed children. When not obsessed with cat videos or the latest Trump tweet, the internet is tailor made for the creepy and strange stories we love so much. The black-eyed children, also sometimes called the black-eyed kids, are different though. As you investigate the phenomenon you get a distinct sense that there’s something more going on here. It’s different from your typical creepypasta fodder because, as we’ll learn here, it owes its beginnings to very real events from very credible people. Who or what are these black-eyed children? Are they spirits, vampires, aliens or maybe something else altogether? Whatever they are, you’ll find common threads amongst all the stories. Firstly they are usually children between the ages of 6 to 16. More often than not they travel in pairs and are usually male, although females have been reported. The creepy trick part here is when the show up they are usuall

The Enfield Poltergeist

“There was all kinds of phenomena reported and witnessed by the family, neighbors, police, journalists and investigators in 1977 and 1978. Furniture would move around, seemingly without the aid of human hands; knocking sounds were heard, the sources of which were never found; people were allegedly thrown into the air; Janet was seen levitating above her bed—witnessed by a person outside the house through a window; electrical equipment broke down, with batteries draining inexplicably; teleportation; the list is almost endless.” One of the strangest things about the Enfield case is that the ‘thing’ behind it all seemed to be sentient. In fact, it could use knocks to communicate and audio recordings exist of it ‘speaking through’ Janet with a voice most incongruous to an 11-year-old girl. If I remember correctly, the voice identified itself as a previous occupant of the house: Bill Wilkins, an old man who had died of a brain hemorrhage in a chair downstairs. Posted By: Junio


         1. Monte Cristo Homestead, New South Wales, Australia Considering the amount of tragic and violent deaths that have occurred here, it’s little wonder that this is viewed as Australia’s most haunted locale.  Several people have died sudden, accidental deaths, while others have been murdered, leading to high paranormal activity throughout the estate. 2. Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, South Africa   Active since the early 20 th  century, various apparitions reported include a man who walks the ramparts and a dog that jumps on passersby.  The most interesting story involves the ghost of a woman seen running through the complex crying, and finally disappeared when excavations uncovered a woman’s body. 3. The Tower of London, London, England Dating back to 1078, this fortress/royal palace has had plenty of time to garner some paranormal activity.  Famous ghosts seen here include the headless ghost of Anne Boleyn, along with Lady Jane Grey and tw