The Enfield Poltergeist

“There was all kinds of phenomena reported and witnessed by the family, neighbors, police, journalists and investigators in 1977 and 1978. Furniture would move around, seemingly without the aid of human hands; knocking sounds were heard, the sources of which were never found; people were allegedly thrown into the air; Janet was seen levitating above her bed—witnessed by a person outside the house through a window; electrical equipment broke down, with batteries draining inexplicably; teleportation; the list is almost endless.”

One of the strangest things about the Enfield case is that the ‘thing’ behind it all seemed to be sentient.
In fact, it could use knocks to communicate and audio recordings exist of it ‘speaking through’ Janet with a voice most incongruous to an 11-year-old girl.
If I remember correctly, the voice identified itself as a previous occupant of the house: Bill Wilkins, an old man who had died of a brain hemorrhage in a chair downstairs.

Posted By: Junior David


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